Jane Willems
Arbitrator, Mediator, Attorney-at-Law
Associate Professor of Law, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Ph.D. in Law
Member of the Paris and California Bars

Experience as Arbitrator
Arbitrator (SAC), arbitration involving an oil purchase contract (Geneva, Swiss law)
Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a share purchase agreement contract between HK and PRC companies (HK, PRC law, bilingual Chinese-English)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration involving a multiparty dispute on a sales contract (London, English law)
Sole Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a consulting contract between HK and PRC companies (HK, HK law)
Arbitrator, investor-State arbitration, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v. Kingdom of Sweden (ICSID Case No. ARB/22/2), appointed by the Claimant
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving an EPC contract for a mining project between German and Indian companies (New Delhi, Indian law)
Arbitrator (CIETAC), arbitration involving a hotel management contract between US and PRC companies (Beijing, PRC law, bilingual Chinese-English)
Sole Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a consulting contract between PRC and US companies (HK, PRC law)
Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a sales contract between Swiss and PRC companies (HK, Swiss law)
Arbitrator (KCAB), arbitration involving a procurement contract between Korean and French companies (Seoul, Korean law)
Sole Arbitrator (BAC), arbitration involving a sale contract between Chile and PRC companies (Beijing, CISG)
Sole Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a crude oil sale between Singapore and PRC companies (Hong Kong, English law)
President of Tribunal (HKIAC), arbitration involving a trademark transfer between US and PRC companies (Hong Kong, PRC law, in Chinese)
Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration involving a shareholder agreement (Paris, Algerian law)
Arbitrator (PCA-Uncitral), investor-State arbitration (bilateral investment treaty), appointed by the State
Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a drilling contract in Turkey (HK, PRC law)
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving a civil construction project (FIDIC EPC/Turnkey 1999, Omani law)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration involving a sales contract between a Swedish and a PRC company (Beijing, CISG)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration involving a license between a US and a Japanese company (Singapore, NY law)
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving a manufacturing & marketing know-how contract between Italian and PRC entities (Paris, PRC law)
Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a shareholder cooperation agreement between a Malaysian and a PRC company (HK, Lao law)
President of Tribunal (HKIAC), arbitration involving a share purchase agreement (HK, Swiss law)
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving a construction contract (Singapore, Singapore law)
Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving an investment contract (HK, HK law)
Arbitrator (ICC), multiparty arbitration involving a share transfer agreement (Geneva, Italian law)
Sole Arbitrator (ad-hoc Uncitral), arbitration involving a purchase contract between a Vietnamese and a US company (HK, California law)
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving a sales contract between Austrian and PRC entities (Vienna, PRC law)
Arbitrator (ad-hoc Uncitral), arbitration involving a subscription agreement and an investment agreement between North American companies (HK, HK law)
Sole Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a license between a US and a PRC company (HK, New York law)
Arbitrator (CIETAC), arbitration involving a share transfer in a PRC company (Beijing, PRC law, in Chinese)
Arbitrator (HKIAC), arbitration involving a joint venture project in China (HK)
Arbitrator (BAC), arbitration between PRC and Ethiopian entities involving a financing contract (Beijing, PRC law, in Chinese)
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving a Sino-foreign JV contract (Paris, PRC law)
President of Tribunal (ICC), arbitration involving a hotel management contract (HK, PRC law, bilingual Chinese-English)
Sole Arbitrator (HKIAC), project management & development contract (HK, PRC law)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration between an Italian company and a PRC SOE relating to a service agreement and transfer of assets (Paris, Italian & PRC laws)
Arbitrator (BAC), arbitration between US and PRC entities involving a procurement contract (Beijing, PRC law, in Chinese)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration between Luxembourg, HK and Mainland entities relating to a share transfer (Hong Kong, PRC law)
Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration between a Moroccan SOE and a Malaysian company relating to a real estate construction project (Paris, Moroccan law)
President of Tribunal (CIETAC), arbitration between a UK and a PRC company relating to a sales contract (Beijing, Hong Kong law)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration between a US and a PRC company relating to a procurement contract (Guangzhou, PRC law, bilingual Chinese-English)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration between a PRC and a US company relating to a sale of equipment (Singapore, English law)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration relating to the construction of a factory in China (Paris, PRC law)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration between EU and PRC entities relating to a distribution contract (London, English law)
Arbitrator (ICC), arbitration relating to a construction project in the Middle East (Singapore, Fidic IV Ed.)
Sole Arbitrator (ICC No. 12111), ICC Bull. 21/1-2010.78 (Paris, Unidroit Principles)
Counsel in Arbitral Proceedings
Sanum v Lao P.D.R. (PCA, 2010 UNCITRAL Rules – for Lao P.D.R.), China-Lao BIT
Lao Holdings v Lao P.D.R. (ICSID (AF) – for Lao P.D.R.), The Netherlands-Lao BIT
Represented a French company against a Slovenian company (ICC, Paris), in a dispute involving a transfer of technology, patent license and distribution contract
Represented a French company (ICC, Paris) in a dispute between relating to the construction of a ship
Represented an Australian company against a French company (ICC, Paris) in a dispute relating to a commercial agent contract
Counsel in Arbitration-related Court Proceedings
TLL-HLL v Lao P.D.R. (Paris Court of Appeals, Feb. 19, 2013 – for Lao P.D.R.), enforcement of arbitral award against Lao P.D.R. denied in France for lack of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, in Rev. Arb. 2013.299-300
Liv Hydravlika v Diebolt (Paris Court of Appeals, Feb. 28, 2008 – for Diebolt), Court affirmed the arbitrability inter partes of patent validity disputes, in Dalloz 2008 II 1326
Represented a French company challenging the jurisdiction of French courts in a construction project dispute, CA Douai, Sep. 17, 2009 (Court declined jurisdiction, adopted the severability of arbitration agreements in domestic arbitration), in Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, 2010.55 n°65
Represented a PRC company for the enforcement of a CIETAC award against a French Group (Paris Court)
Other Activities
Co-chair, ICCA-Tsinghua Working Group on Chinese Arbitration Practice: Compendium of Chinese Commercial Arbitration laws, The ICCA Reports No. 5 (2019)
Legal consultant, World Bank, IFC: Judicial Manual on Vietnamese International Arbitration, for the Judiciary of Vietnam (2017).
Legal consultant, Lao PDR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Lao model BIT.
University of Angers, School of Law, France, Ph.D. in Law (magna cum laude), 2013
Thesis: Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures Contract Disputes before International Arbitrators
University of Paris I Sorbonne, School of Law, France
L.L.M. International Business Law, 1990
L.L.B. Business Law, 1989
National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, France
B.A. Chinese Language and Civilization, 1986
Taiwan National Normal University, Visiting Student 1983-1985
Books and Contributions
International Business Courts: A New Era for Dispute Resolution? in INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION IN TIMES OF
ECONOMIC NATIONALISM, Arp, Polanco (Ed), Kluwer, 2022, Chap 10 -
Investment Disputes under China's BITs: Jurisdiction with Chinese Characteristics? in Investment Law and Arbitration in the Asia-Pacific, Chaisse (Ed), OUP, 2019, Chap 24
The Arbitrator’s Jurisdiction at Risk: The Case of Hybrid and Asymmetrical Arbitration Agreements, in The Powers and Duties of an Arbitrator, Shaughnessy & Tung (Ed), Kluwer Law Intl, 2017, 377-390
Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures Contract Disputes before International Arbitrators [In French: Les contrats de joint ventures sino-étrangères devant l’arbitre international] Larcier, 2015
Co-author, “Marketing” in Business Law in China: Trade, Investment and Finance, ICC, 1997
Jurisdiction Focus, Country Focus: Laos, Asian Dispute Review, July 2022, 142-149
Book review, A Guide to the CIETAC Arbitration Rules by Jianlong Yu and Lijun Cao, Asian Dispute Review,
October 2021, 202-203 -
Law and Practice of International Arbitration in China (1994-2019) [In French: Droit et pratique de l’arbitrage
international en Chine (1994-2019)], RIDC 4-2019 1025-1048 -
Party Autonomy and the Selection of Non-State Norms in International Commercial Contracts, HKLJ 2018 Vol. 48-3 951-991
The Settlement of Investor State Disputes and China: New Developments on ICSID Jurisdiction, SCJIL&B, Vol. 8: Iss. 1 (2011) 1-62
中国公司在海外国际仲裁中的商业利益保护问题:国际仲裁的新趋势 [Issues Relevant to Chinese Parties Involved in Arbitrations Outside China : Trends in International Arbitration], Arbitration in Beijing, Vol. 25(1) 2011, 37-52
The Reform of Mediation in Hong Kong [In French: La réforme de la médiation à Hong Kong], 2010(3) Paris Journal of International Arbitration 767-778
Arbitration and Procedural Indivisibility [In French: Arbitrage et indivisibilité procédurale], 2001 Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 100-114
Provisional measures and arbitration after the CJEU Van Uden Decision [In French: Les mesures provisoires et l'arbitrage après l'arrêt Van Uden de la CJCE], 2001 Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 83-87
Teaching Positions
• Associate Professor, Associate Director, LLM in International Arbitration & Dispute Settlement (IADS) Program,
• Associate Professor, UIBE SCHOOL OF LAW, Beijing, 2014-2016
• INTERNATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE, Washington DC, International Commercial Arbitration, 2008-2010, 2021-Present
• FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY, HANOI, LLM Course on Investment Policy & Law, Visiting Professor, 2018-2019
• PARIS WEST UNIVERSITY NANTERRE, SCHOOL OF LAW, France, LLM Seminars, Intl. Contracts, Lecturer, 2016-Present
• UNIVERSITY OF AIX, SCHOOL OF LAW, France, LLM Seminars, Dispute Resolution, Lecturer, 2013-2018
Invited Presentations
“How to Navigate Interim Measures in International Arbitration” ICC Webinar, forthcoming 26-27 May 2021
“Can We Talk of an Arbitration Culture in Asia?”, American University, Webinar Regional Arbitration Series, Nov. 11, 2020
“Investor State Dispute Settlement Reform: UNCITRAL WG III Proposals”, 2019 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day, Macau, Dec. 11, 2019
“Reforms Driven by the EU to Address Issues of Consistency, Coherence and Predictability in Investor-state Awards”, Intl. Lawyers Organization, Luxemburg Congress Nov. 7, 2019
"International Business Courts: A New Era for Dispute Resolution?” 2018 ASIL Midyear Meeting, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, Nov. 8-10, 2018
“Sanctions to Corruption and Illegality”, 2018 Colloquium on International Law “Sustainable Connectivity: Go Green/Deal Clean/Talk Peace”, Asian Academy of International Law, HK, July 6, 2018
“Examining the Overlap of Asian Investment Treaties”, panelist, GAR Live Hong Kong, October 2017
“The Enforcement of Investor-state Arbitral Awards”, Conference on “UE-ASEAN Partnership and Competing Partnerships Among Asia-Pacific Powers”, Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, October 2017
“ICC Arbitration and the Mainland China”, China Arbitration Day, American University, DC, April 2017
“Definition of ‘Foreign’ Investment or Investor in Chinese Law: New Criteria or Back to Basics?” Asia FDI Forum II, CUHK & Columbia, Hong Kong, November 2016
“Party Autonomy and the Selection of Non-State Norm in International Commercial Contracts”, 7th Intl. Conference on The New Haven School of Jurisprudence, Yale & Tulane Law Schools, Hangzhou, December 2015
“Investment Disputes under China's BITs: Jurisdiction with Chinese Characteristics?” Asia FDI Forum I, CUHK & Columbia, Hong Kong, November 2015
“Hybrid and Asymmetrical Arbitration Agreements”, Intl. Lawyers Organization, Valencia Congress 2015
“The Enforcement Abroad of Chinese Arbitral Awards” Intl. Lawyers Organization, Macau Congress 2013
“How much do different legal cultures influence arbitration?” APRAG Conference, Beijing, 2013
“Multi-party and Multi-contract Arbitration: Analysis of Chinese International Arbitration Law and Practice”, Queen Mary College, London, Intl. Conference on Dispute Resolution: A Comparative Perspective, London, Dec. 17-18, 2012
“The Enforcement Abroad of Chinese Arbitral Awards: A Comparative Perspective”, 4th Intl. Conference on Contemporary Legal Problems, CityU of Hong Kong & Yale Law School, Hong Kong, October 2012
“Party Autonomy and the Selection of Non-State Norm in Intl’ Contracts”, Intl. Forum on Private International Law, Chinese Society of Private International Law, Beijing, 2011
“Chinese Parties Involved in Foreign International Disputes Resolution Proceedings”, CIETAC May 2010
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Professional Activities and Associations
FCIArb; FHKIArb; Accredited arbitrator: HKIAC, CIETAC, BAC, SHIAC, CAA (Taipei)
Member, Advisory Board, Asian Academy of International Law
Representative, UNCITRAL Working Group III (ISDS), Asian Academy of International Law
Member, ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy
Member, Steering Committee, Arbitration Commission, International Lawyers Organization
Member, ICCA; International Law Association; ASIL; ICC Institute of World Business Law; LCIA
French, English, Chinese-Putonghua, German